Mission Statement

To ignite, inspire, and strengthen married couples for a lifetime filled with joy and happiness. 

Vision Statement

2ForeverLove provides couples with essential tools to embody God's ultimate vision for marriage. We empower couples to embody a model representation of Christ and the Church for this generation. 

Having always envisioned a happy and enduring marriage—something we often did not witness in the relationships around us—we were fortunate to attend a "To Love & Cherish Weekend Retreat" five years into our union. 

The experience moved us deeply, evoking tears and profound emotions as we discovered God's intentions for marriage. This revelation sparked our desire to comprehend and implement these truths in our lives. 

Recognizing early in our relationship that the lessons we learned and began to apply were not meant for us alone, we embraced the responsibility of assisting those around us. We understood that God's blessings come with responsibility; as stated in Luke 12:48, “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.” Acknowledging the unique gifts, we had received, 2ForeverLove was conceived. 

"2ForeverLove" signifies #2 (representing two individuals), Forever (always and at all times), and Love (an unconditional and unwavering commitment)—in essence, two individuals devoted to loving one another eternally. 

We are thrilled and honored to empower couples worldwide to remain in love forever. Our commitment is to support you, as husband and wife, in fulfilling your marriage vows and embracing the beautiful gift of holy matrimony.

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